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Windturbines Borssele Orsted

Offshore TSO Collaboration

Offshore TSOs work together on unlocking the potential of the North Seas

Unlocking the potential of the North Seas

We believe in cooperation to support the realization of Europe’s green deal ambitions. Therefore, we’ve developed with the transmission system operators (TSOs) of the nine North Sea Countries — 50Hertz, Amprion, Creos, EirGrid Group, Elia, Energinet, Gasunie, National Grid, RTE en Statnett — an expert paper ‘Unlocking the potential of the North Seas’ ahead of the high-level offshore event of the Belgian Presidency, organized in Bruges on the 15th of May.

Following the North Sea summits in Esbjerg, Denmark (2022), and Ostend, Belgium (2023), nine countries committed themselves to progressively developing around 300 GW of offshore renewable energy capacity in the North Seas by 2050. Realising this objective will be key for the EU, the UK and Norway to reach net zero by 2050 based on national cumulative targets and will be crucial for supporting Europe’s energy security and competitiveness.

The latest expert paper builds on our ‘Esbjerg Cooperation’ paper harnesses the expertise of the expanded group of North Seas TSOs. It sets out both the key projects that will underpin the development of a North Seas grid in the long-term and an initial grid map of hybrid projects.

Discover our grid map and recommendations for cost allocation and financing, market design and supply chain now already.

Grid Map