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Graphic representation of 2GW platform (in development)

The 2GW Program

What is the 2GW Program?

Faster large-scale rollout of offshore grid

The 2GW Program is an innovative way to work more efficiently (together) to build the offshore power grid. Our new approach will soon allow more electricity to be transmitted to land simultaneously. This can be done by designing smarter and using fewer cables and platforms than before. This will save us time, resources and money. The 2GW Program forms the basis for next-generation offshore grid connection systems.

Accelerating energy transition: here's how we do it

Target 2030 Netherlands: generate 30 gigawatts of wind power. Germany: 22.2 gigawatts.

2GW offshore wind farms

2GW offshore wind farms

The transition to clean energy in Europe is a huge challenge. By the year 2050 at the latest, we want Europe to become the very first climate-neutral continent in the world. To achieve this, we are going to use more wind energy from the sea. For the Netherlands, the goal is to generate 30 gigawatts of wind energy by 2030. For Germany it is 22.2 gigawatts in the same period. The energy generated by wind farms in the North Sea plays an important role in this. We ensure that the sustainably generated electricity is transported to the mainland.


Experience TenneT's new standard virtually

Virtual Reality-app 2GW Program

To VR application

The 2GW Program includes:

Together with our partners, we are developing a new leading 525 kV cable system.

The design of the new platform and a high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission system enables higher energy transmission. At the same time, the system remains flexible enough to adapt to future technological innovations.

The 2GW Program consists of multiple projects implemented under the special agreement FIDIC. FIDIC is globally recognized and used throughout the industry. Using this agreement makes it much easier to follow and apply the rules and standards of the 2GW Program around the world.


Between 2029 and 2031, we will build as many as 13 of these new connections in the Dutch and German North Sea. Large amounts of electricity can be transported via 525 kV bipolar cables. Each connection can transport 2 gigawatts of electricity to land.


2GW GridMap

2GW GridMap

Project Commissioning
IJmuiden Ver Alpha 2029
IJmuiden Ver Beta 2029
IJmuiden Ver Gamma 2029
Nederwiek 1 2030
Nederwiek 2 2030
Nederwiek 3 2031
Doordewind 1 2031


Project                          Commissioning
BalWin3 2031
BalWin4 2029
LanWin1 2030
LanWin2 2030
LanWin4 2031
LanWin5 2031


Vrouw en kind laten hond uit op het strand Domburg

All offshore projects

We build the offshore power grid so that offshore wind farms can be connected to the onshore power grid. What does that look like in the various projects?

To the projects

News about the 2GW Program


Armine Egberink

Armine Egberink

Communications advisor Offshore Grid Development.
Woordvoerder Jorrit de Jong

Jorrit de Jong


Media Relations