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Industrial ValueFlex Tool

A tool for evaluating business cases for industrial DSR and storage


The Industrial ValueFlex Tool enables industrial users to assess the potential revenue that could be made by flexibility operating on different electricity markets. The tool provides a first order estimation of these revenues which enables the user of the tool to relatively quickly assess whether operating more flexibly is worth further investigation. Specifically, the tool gives estimates for maximum revenues on the:

  • Day ahead market
  • Intraday market
  • FCR market
  • aFRR market
  • mFRR market

The tool does not optimise potential revenues in these markets, but maximises revenues in each market.


The Industrial ValueFlex Tool includes several modules that can be evaluated one by one:

  • Combined heating (i.e. use of both gas and electricity);
  • batched processes;
  • continuous processes;
  • heat generation;
  • batteries;
  • load shifting;
  • airconditioning.


Register for the Industrial ValueFlex Tool here


TenneT offers this tool to industrial parties free of charge. You can download this tool from the Guidehouse website via registration. When you register in the form above, you will be contacted within two working days.

The package includes

  • The Industrial ValueFlex Tool itself (.exe)
  • An input file for entering technical and financial parameters
  • The source code (in R)
  • Control files (MD5 and SHA256)
  • Licence and disclaimer

For reference, you can download the installation manual and frequently asked questions here. You can also find the source code (.zip) here.

Running the Industrial ValueFlex Tool

To run the tool, you will need the following two permissions (consult your IT department):

  • Permission to install R version 4.1.2.
  • Permission to install the ValueFlex application itself.

Guidelines for completing the input file are in the file. This input file is uploaded into the tool and then the tool can be run. The calculations take a few minutes and then an output file can be downloaded. As the tool is run locally, confidentiality of company data is guaranteed.