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Balance delta

The balance delta table shows, halfway through each minute, the volumes operationally requested by TenneT via IGCC, PICASSO, aFRR and incident reserves, together with the prices of the highest and the lowest active balancing energy bids. The values in this table concern a snapshot. Between two minute snapshops, additional bids can be activated that impact the final balancing energy and imbalance price. The settlement prices, the regulation state and incident reserve indicators on/off in the settlement prices overview are leading for the settlement.

Balans-delta tabel


Time indication:

  • Sequence number: sequence number of the presented minute information in the full day concerned
  • Timestamp: hour and minute when the snapshot of the values was taken

IGCC contribution

IGCC is based on "netting" of instantaneous imbalance values from the participating TSO's and is implemented as simultaneous mutual support: the imbalance of a participating TSO will be decreased when the same imbalance amount can also be decreased in the opposite direction on the imbalance of (a combination of) other participating TSO's. The volume of the contribution in both upward and downward regulation for the benefit of TenneT TSO b.v. is maximised to the available free transport capacity and/or the available upward and downward automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR) in the Load Frequency Controller (LFC)

  • Up: power supply from IGCC to NL (MW)
  • Down: power supply from NL to IGCC (MW)

PICASSO contribution

PICASSO is the European platform for exchanging balancing energy of aFRR bids. The purpose of the platform is to activate aFRR in the TSO area where the aFRR bids are the cheapest.

The PICASSO platform optimizes the activation of aFRR bids by an algorithm based on all available aFRR bids from the BSPs in the control areas of the participating TSOs and the instantaneous imbalance. Part of the optimization by the PICASSO platform is also the netting of the instantaneous imbalance, such as with IGCC. At PICASSO this is done implicitly on the basis of price. Counteractivations are hereby excluded.

Because not all TSOs part of both IGCC and PICASSO, the IGCC algorithm continues to run even though netting also takes place on the PICASSO platform. The PICASSO algorithm runs prior to the IGCC algorithm. After the IGCC algorithm, the PICASSO algorithm runs again to help prevent deviation from merit order activation. IGCC exchange only takes place with TSOs that are not connected to the PICASSO platform. The PICASSO platform can increase the imbalance situation in the Netherlands in the event of cheaper bids on the Dutch merit order list.

  • Up: Dutch shortage taken over by other TSOs or power surplus taken over from other TSOs via PICASSO (MW).
  • Down: Dutch surplus taken over by other TSOs or shortage taken over from other TSOs via PICASSO (MW).

Activated power:

aFRR: the aFRR capacity (MW) activated by the national LFC (MW):

  • up: quantity of the activated upward aFRR (sum of send-out upward setpoints)
  • down: quantity of the activated downward aFRR (sum of send-out downward setpoints)
  • Incident reserves: the volume of activated incident reserve in the respective direction to restore the Dutch power balance for situations with large and/or longlasting power deviations. The activation of incident reserve influences the imbalance price for the ISP comprising this minute.
  • up: volume of activated incident reserve for a significant Dutch power shortage
  • down: volume of activated incident reserve for a significant Dutch power surplus

Price development:

  • Highest price Up: price of the activated upward regulation bid with the highest bidprice (€/MWh)
  • Midprice: the calculated default activation/imbalance price (€/MWh will be used in the financial settlement when TenneT does not activate any power in the ISP comprising this minute)
  • Lowest price Down: price of the activated downward regulation bid with the lowest bidprice (€/MWh)

The high and/or low price remains empty in a situation where no power is activated in the respective direction or when activated power, from the start of a new ISP, is not needed anymore for solving the imbalance (so-called dummy energy, which is the deactivation of earlier activated aFRR bids).

Determination regulation state:

The regulation state is a parameter that is used to determine the imbalance price of an ISP. The four regulation states 0, +1, -1 and 2 describe various activation situation of balancing energy (aFRR and incident reserves) by TenneT per ISP. When determining the regulation state, only the values of this publication (the balance delta publication) is taken into account. This includes volumes, indicative prices, and the indication of incident reserve activation.

  • When balancing energy is activated only in upwards direction, the regulation state shall be 1
  • When balancing energy is activated only in downwards direction, the regulation state shall be -1
  • When balancing energy is activated in neither upwards or downwards direction, the regulation state shall be 0
  • When balancing energy is activated in both upwards and downwards directions, the regulation state shall be determined by the balance delta:
    • When the balance delta is neither a continuously non-decreasing or a continuously non-increasing series, the regulation state shall be 2
    • When the balance delta is a continuously non-decreasing series and not a continuously non-increasing series, the regulation state shall be 1
    • When the balance delta is a continuously non-increasing series and not a continuously non-decreasing series, the regulation state shall be -1
    • When the balance delta is constant, the regulation state shall be: 2
  • When determining the shape of the balance delta, only the values of this publication (the balance delta publication) is taken into account. This includes volumes, indicative prices, and the indication of incident reserve activation.
  • Dummy energy is not taken into account in the determination of the regulation state. The activation of dummy energy can be recognised by the absence of a corresponding price for the activated direction. Eg. if the dataset shows an upward activation for minute 1, but no upward price for minute 1, it concerns dummy energy and is not included in determining whether aFRR is activated.   

For the determination of the height of the balancing energy price and imbalance price also values within the minute can be price setting.

The activation prices, the regulation state and the incident reserve up/down capacity indicators in the overview of settlement prices will play a leading role in the settlement.

Further information

For further information related to this subject, please refer to the pages on the Documenten aFRR (

Using the table

This web page presents data for today’s most recent 30 minutes. The information is updated once a minute. A delay of a few minutes in the processing and presentation of the real-time information from different systems is unavoidable. Only the sequence number of a line will be presented when, due to disruptions, no up-to-date information is available. Lines will be completed at a later point in time when the information becomes available within the timeframe of the overview.

The balance delta information presents for the power values and prices only so-called 1-minute snapshots of the TenneT contribution on the NL balancing process. The financial settlement is based on the 4-second results from the TenneT system and can therefore deviate from the presented information.

All displayed time indications are in the local Dutch timezone.