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TenneT expects structural congestion, as referred to in Article 9.5 of the Electricity Grid Code, in the 150kV grid in Flevoland and Gelderland during the period 2021-2029

The expected congestion is caused by the rapid growth of solar and wind production in the grid of the regional grid operator (Liander) and in TenneT's grid. The resulting higher transport demand cannot be fully facilitated due to the limited available transport capacity in the high-voltage grid. 

Reading time
2 Minutes

Last updated



What is the contracted and available transmission capacity?

The congestion area covers all 150kV-stations in the province of Flevoland (Flevopolder) and all 150kV-stations in Gelderland. In this congestion area, the total contracted transmission capacity is approximately 5,600 MW. The total available transmission capacity (stations Lelystad, Dodewaard, Doetinchem) amounts to approximately 3350 MW. This capacity is fully allocated in signed tenders for contracted transmission capacity. There are no restrictions with regard to consumption; only with regard to feed-in.

Planning the grid reinforcement

The structural solution consists of splitting the meshed 150kV Flevoland-Gelderland-Utrecht grid into at least four grid sections, each with its own connection to the 380kV grid, increasing the 150/380kV transformation capacity and possibly upgrading 150kV connections. The increase in transformation capacity will be completed in phases during the period 2026-2029.


TenneT is to start a study into the possibilities for applying congestion management in the area mentioned in Article 9.5(5) of the Electricity Grid Code. After its completion, the study will be published on TenneT's website.