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Our strategy process

TenneT works with two formal strategy processes, the yearly and the five year cycle.

The yearly cycle

The yearly cycle reviews the execution of the existing strategy. It provides an analysis of the external context, the impact on TenneT and concludes what the most important challenges are for our organisation. This yearly process feeds into the business performance cycle.

The five-year cycle

Our five year cycle is the formal strategy process according to Articles of Association TenneT Holding B.V. and Policy State participations (Nota Staatdeelnemingen) of the Dutch Ministry of Finance. This process consists of four steps.

  • Step 1 is the strategy exploration, which delivers an environmental and business analysis that creates the informational prerequisites for the formulation of our strategy.
  • Step 2 is the strategy formulation and review, which is sets out the course of action to meet TenneT’s strategic objectives and achieve the organisational vision.
  • Step 3 is the strategy deployment, which is putting the chosen strategy into action and cascade strategies into operations.
  • And the final step, step 4 is the strategy consultation & approval, the final approval by the Supervisory Board.

In the five year strategy process our stakeholders (TSO’s, peers, other (energy) market participants, regulators, investors, NGOs and governments) are involved during the first two steps. Our shareholder has a formal consultation right, which is also covered in step 1 and step 2 of the process.